Every now and then, I simply DO NOT have the energy to fool with my natural hair, and on these days, an afro puff, or puff, is the easiest thing for me!
I have thrown my natural hair into a frizzy puff like this one below.
Lazy hair
Puffs can also be more defined and polished! By simply adding bangs with a subtle center part to this simple puff, I instantly gained a more glamorous look!
#dontmindme #shamelessbathroomselfie
There are a gajillion YouTube videos available on how to create a simple puff on natural hair. But I wanted to dedicate this post to giving you some of my tips and tricks to achieve your best puff!
Tip 1: Choose an elastic rubber band that will suit the density of your hair. For ladies that have thicker hair, you may have to choose an elastic band that has more give, or stretch, to it. I personally like to use a simple black elastic band from Goody's. And it also doesn't bother me if the band gets stretched over time because that ensures that the elastic band won't be too tight and snag any of my precious curls.
Tip 2: Determine how you want your curls to look in your puff. Sometimes, I create a puff on my natural hair after I have recently washed and applied my LCO products to it, which gives my natural hair more definition. However, if I just want my puff to be big and thick with little definition, I don't put any product on my hair the night before I wear this style. Then next morning, I simply just wake up, untwist my hair, and place my hair in a puff!
So just to recap:
A. More defined puff comes from applying the products of your choice the night before.
B. Less defined puff comes from not applying products the night before.
Tip 3: The EDGES. Baby hair is on a whole new level nowadays thanks to social media but determine if you want to slick your edges down with a little gel, pomade, or cream of your choice. Smoothing your edges down is best when you are going for a more polished look when wearing your natural hair in a puff!
Tip 4: Add some bangs! I already showed you (in the picture above) how bangs can change the look of your puff! Whether you rock a side part with your bangs, center part or just bangs with absolutely no part at all, it can totally change your look!
Tip 5: Incorporate accessories. You can add bandanas, scarfs, and other pieces to your hair. Don't be afraid to even add color to your hair to give your natural hair puff some personality. In addition to hair accessories, your face becomes a focal point so add a pop of color to your lips or throw on your favorite pair of big hoop earrings to add some flair to your puff.
So there you have it... Afro puff 101 by yours truly! Let me know in the comments below if this if you have any tips or if this post was helpful to you!
Until next time...
Be faith-filled, fearless, and fabulous,
Kurly Ken